functional printing

Development of nanoparticle inks with active matrix materials

Reducing the thermal treatment conditions required for depositing metal oxide thin films onto flexible plastic substrates is a challenge. In this blog the use of preformed crystalline nanoparticles in active matrix will be discussed and with promising results showing this as a potential way forward.

2D-crystal inks and devices: graphene is just the start!

Prof Cinzia Casiraghi, from the Graphene Centre, University of Manchester, discusses the formulation of inkjet inks containing 2D crystals and functional devices made using them. The work will be presented at the IMI Europe Inkjet Ink Development Conference in Lausanne, Switzerland on 15-16 March 2017.

Inkjet-deposited functional coatings for textiles

In a wide range of textile applications, fabrics are selected not only for their aesthetic appearance but also for their functional properties. Different levels of toughness, thickness and flexibility can be achieved by constructing a fabric in a particular way (woven, knitted or non-woven). However, for applications where specific functional properties are required from the fabric, the deposition of additional coatings may be required.