Mark Bale of DoDxAct discusses the different types of inkjet ink using the example of graphics printing.
The only way is not always up
It can be argued that the most important part of strategic planning for your business is understanding the future. There are many ways of watching where markets are going, and an important one is conferences, such as the recent IMI Europe Digital Printing Conference in Berlin. While other events focus on components and technology, in Berlin future prospects, opportunities and challenges were, as always, the focus.
Factors enabling industrial digital textile printing
Single pass industrial inkjet printing: How difficult can it be?
Inkjet for décor – is this a dream or a reality?
Marcus Timson of InPrint previews his talk at IMI Europe’s Digital Printing Conference in Amsterdam, where he will be joined by Giorgio Macor of Kuei. They discuss why, in the light of significant innovations in the industry, we are not seeing more obvious evidence that inkjet is being adopted as a technology for décor printing?
The importance of dispersion quality for industrial inkjet inks
One of the most difficult aspects of developing reliable inkjet inks is creating a stable dispersion of particles within the ink. This applies to inks containing pigments for colour applications but equally to inks containing other particles for functional deposition applications, which are becoming increasingly important.