Inkjet Summer School

Colour management in a digital era

Tim Phillips of IMI Europe and Catenary Solutions discusses colour management in the digital textile value chain, its set-up, challenges and application. You can find out more about colour management at the Inkjet Colour Management course being held at IMI Europe’s Inkjet Summer School, Cambridge, UK, 10-14 June 2019.

Designer droplets – why the size and stability of particles in inkjet inks matter

Dr Steve Ward-Smith of Malvern Instruments gives an overview of the main particle assessment techniques he will be describing in detail at the Inkjet Ink Characterisation course to be held at IMI Europe's Inkjet Summer School in Ghent, Belgium in June 2017.

The “chain of pain” – optimising image quality

When you go into a store to buy a new desktop printer do you look at print samples? These days probably not, as just about every printer produces excellent image quality. Therefore when developing industrial inkjet products or processes, it’s an easy trap to fall into that just putting together the right printheads, inks, data path, RIP and so on, the image quality will automatically be high. Unfortunately that’s not the case, as many other factors will affect the image quality you will achieve.