IT Strategies Executive Conference

Tuesday 5 December 2017

Keio Plaza Hotel, Tokyo, Japan

Conference Theme

Packaging, Commercial & Industrial Print 2017 - State of the Market & Prospects

The IT Strategies Executive Conference will review the latest announcements in packaging, commercial and industrial printing and give an analysis of market dynamics and key vendors.

Office revenue decline is accelerating, and the emerging industrial and production digital markets are poised to become the major growth drivers. These markets need new technology and an aggressive, creative and outgoing participation by the digital print industry and by creative partners. An opportunity is taking shape for industrial digital print volumes to reach strategic levels.

Who should attend: Senior executives and managers wishing to understand market trends and technology developments in digital commercial and industrial printing.


Conference Programme

09:00-10.00 Registration & welcome coffee

10.00 Conference begins

Digital print market: Total review & vendor revenues
Marco Boer, Vice-President, IT Strategies




Label & packaging market: Corrugated drives ahead
Mark Hanley, President, IT Strategies




12.00-13.30 Lunch
13.30 Afternoon session begins

Decorative & textile markets: Apparel leads the way
Mark Hanley, President, IT Strategies



Commercial print markets: Inkjet knocks at the door
Marco Boer, Vice-President, IT Strategies






Inkjet experience and future outlook from an industry leader
Ramon Borrell, Chief Technology Officer, Xaar




Summary and wrapup
Mark Hanley, President, IT Strategies

16.00 Conference ends
16.00-20.00 IMI Europe Inkjet Technology Showcase & Mergers & Acquisitions Forum

See the Inkjet Technology Showcase and Mergers & Acquisitions Forum page for further details.


The IT Strategies Executive Conference is a wholly-owned product of IT Strategies Inc., Hanover, MA, USA.